About Brian

About Brian

Every major accomplishment I have ever achieved has been the results of blood, sweat, and sleepless nights. With the pressure of major deadlines, high investment costs, and high accountability for deliverying quality work that is seen by millions of people, I have been able to over excede expectations, remain enthusiastic about each project, and positivly influence others in the process. Below are some of my accomplishments and a few words I feel that describe me.

  • - Designed websites that received over 4 million unique visitors per month and rose to become at the top 3 results of Google SERP results for keywords like "Web Hosting", "Reseller Hosting", and "Dedicated Servers"
  • - Designed and themed the control panel that customers used to manage their hosting account with HostGator
  • - Designed the employee portals and account management systems that employees used to manage sales and support for customers
  • - Designed customer facing billing systems which customers use to pay for their accounts, live chat support and ticket systems, which customers used to interact with support
  • - Designed and themed control panels for partnerships with company such as Google
  • - Developed tutorial videos which were provided to customers to help them understand how to use HostGator services
  • - Designed custom landing pages for popular online affiliates such as ShoeMoney, as well as the majority of the top 10 web hosting review sites
  • - Designed creatives for marketing initives. Many of these creative were used in marketing programs funded above a million dollars per month
  • - Created artwork and landing page for a black friday marketing campaign that, according to Alexa, received more searches then the word "Black Friday" on Black Friday
  • - Assisted in the creation of HostGator affiliate programs and created many creatives which were seen and clicked on by millions of people, all over the globe
  • - Created billboards which have been placed all over the United States including a 78 foot tall billboard in times square
  • - Created HostGator's employee training department
  • - Trained hundreds of employees, and some of whom would end up becoming CEO's and other C-level management
  • - Created tests to help advance employees to higher level positions and gain higher level access to company network
  • - Developed all training syllabi and course material which would later be evolved by trainers who I helped train
  • - Designed artwork for sponsorships with multiple championship UFC fighters, Red Cross events, and Nascar
  • - Artwork has been seen on pay-per-view and public television
  • - Designed cobranded landing pages for sponsored events
  • - Designed cobranded collateral for events
Personal Traits
  • Listener
  • Creative innnovator
  • Risk taker
  • Free thinker
  • Responsible
  • Easily accountable
  • Lead by example
  • Easy to talk to
  • Wise
  • Empathetic
  • Mature
  • Unique

Quote2 Oh, I was never a businessman. I was a visionary, a dreamer. - Jim Bakker

Contact Brian Modansky


Brian Modansky
(754) 248-2287

Download Resume