Our students receive very unique benefits. We are a totally free school where you learn with your own business, personal, or non-profit website. We offer a range of classes from beginner to advanced. All classes are free. We work with you to ensure you are successful and all classes have guarantee take aways.
We can provide all the hosting services and support needed for any class. Whether you need a shared, cloud, or dedicated server we can provide the service.
Classes can be taught in-person or online through a web conferincing service such as Google Hangouts. You can sign up for classes online through our form.
We walk hand-in-hand through all your online journey. We work with you to try to ensure your success. What ever stage your website is in we can help.
WebHosting.coop offers the high quality webhosting for the cheapest price. All non-profits receive a free domain and shared hosting account. Each web hosting account offeres you the bility to upload a website online, create and use your own email (you@yoursite.com), view website statistics, password protected directories, etc. Geet your own .com, .org, or .coop domain today!
We offer free in-person or online internet education classes. We teach from a range of topics from getting a website online to administrating your own server. We guide you with your own domain name and hosting account. We offer over 18+ internet classes where we work with you 1-on-1 to help you achieve your online goals.
We walk you hand-in-hand through every stage of building your online presence. If you have any questions or need help understanding how something works just let us know. You can choose to take a class of one of our 18+ free classes or depending on the topic we can create a custom training class just for you. During this process we provide good advice which we walk you through with on you own website or server.
If you would like us to add a new type of class let us know.